• inspire change
    develop people and organizations
    create sustainable impact

    Is that what you are looking for?

If you want to inspire change, develop people and organizations, re-focus yourself or your team and create sustainable impact, I am happy to support you.

Andreas Phileas Neumann

Together with you, we co-create unique opportunities for development and change for individuals, teams and organizations.

My focus is ...

  • to challenge you to activate your full potential
  • to facilitate finding your own approach and sustainable solutions
  • to support you with their implementation.

My contribution comes with expertise in ...

  • humanistic psychologies (Transactional Analysis, Systemic Analysis, Gestalt, Group Dynamics)
  • emotional competencies (based on Kübler-Ross, Reich, Lowen, C. Steiner, Moreno, Riemann)
  • dialogue and conflict management (based on Isaaks, Bohm, Ellinor, Gerard)
  • secure base leadership (based on Bowlby, Kohlrieser, Coombe, Goldsworthy)

My belief is ...

  • that sustainable change comes from within a system.

Are you curious? 

Challenges addressed

  • organizational culture development
  • leadership & team development
  • personal & professional development
  • change management
  • dialogue & conflict resolution

Services provided

  • facilitating
  • teaching
  • training
  • coaching
  • consulting

I am committed to the ethical standards of humanistic psychologies and the fundamentals of social market economics.

Delivery Partnerships:
current: DCCG Development Compass Consulting Group, St-Prex (CH) – IMD International, Lausanne (CH)
and over the past decade: KLI Kohlrieser Leadership Institute, Basel (CH) – de Baak Management Center, Noordwijk (NL) – In Stability, Hannover (D) – Hamburg University (D) – GBS Goethe Business School, Frankfurt (D) – Spreng Coaching, Frankfurt (D) – Leaderonomics, Kuala Lumpur (MYS) – Virtus Partners (RCH)

Industry experience:
Services, Consumer Goods, Pharma, Technology, Automotive, Trading, Banking, Consulting, Logistics, Engineering, Humanitarian, and others more

Regional experience:
Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia
including Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, USA, Middle East, Malaysia, Singapore, India, China

Delivery languages:
English, Spanish, German, French